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The Program for:
Linear Optimization

n-LO Screenshot
This is a screenshot of the program n-LO with a simple optimization problem, editor window, result window (in size reduced) and the help window (reduced, too). Here you can see 'almost everything' at the same time...

The functions of n-LO

The program n-LO is a JAVA-program (1.3+) for solving linear optimization problems. It can process an almost unrestricted number of variables, calculate and display the solutions (including all calculation steps) of such problems.

The data input in editor window is equal to other spread sheet programs -- and hence easy to use.

Minimum- or maximum problems are solved, either displaying only the results (very fast) or displaying the complete calculations (with all tables, comments and criterions).

The calculations can be saved as *.html files for further processing with other (word processing) programs.

As in every norrsken-data-teknik program, there are team-import and -export functions, for data exchange with a cooperating team.

There is a special interface: external programs can deliver linear optimization problems to n-LO and query the solutions.

Download of n-LO

To download n-LO click here.

The book for linear optimization (available in German only, sorry. Who likes to translate and publish it?)

helge nordmann: Lineare Optimierung -- Ein Rezeptbuch

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